Getting to know....Nic!

If you're anything like me, I love to know more about people. Like, all the details. Guess I'm a nosey hey!
So just in case you're interested, here's some fun facts 😉
♥ I love to have fun & laugh
♥ Kindness is everything! 
♥ I wear sunglasses all the time. If they're not on my face they'll be close by on my head...just in case


♥ I wanted to be a Kiwi Experience / Contiki Bus Driver, but now drive the smallest car
♥ I've owned 4 Suzuki Swifts (going through the rainbow)
♥ I love to travel and explore new places
♥ Favourite coffee is black (like tar)
♥ Love a wine or 3....
 ♥ Have jumped out of planes and off bridges
 ♥ I'm terrified or worms and big caterpillars, I know I know 😬
 ♥ I love the beach - barefoot in the sand is life! In fact, I don't really care for shoes too much at all
 ♥ Most weekends you'll find me (or not) getting lost with my family in our caravan (except Winter 🥶)